Some days we get on a roll, and not the good kind. We put down new
scene and dialogue and plot twists and catch phrases and, before we know it,
we’ve lost sight of our original story altogether.
Now, I’m not suggesting that your initial vision for your book
should or will be exactly what you end up with. Because it shouldn’t and it
I’m talking about the days when your story starts to head in an
entirely different direction, which is completely
perfect and just what you’ve always
dreamed it would be, until the next morning. And, unfortunately, there’s no
morning after pill for a night of bad writing.
So what are you left with? A bright, beaming bundle of “who the
heck authored this??” And the worst part? You start getting attached to it. You
even kind of love parts of it!
It’s not that you want to keep it. You don’t. But you’ve already
put so much time into it and it would
really be a shame to erase it entirely.
And you know what? I agree.
Something led you to make these changes, to deviate from your
original plan. Don’t just ignore them—dissect them! Figure out what prompted
you to move away from that plan. How well or not-so-well do these changes fit
in with the rest of your book? Which ones have to go? Which ones can still be
You’ll never get past your mistakes unless you try to learn from them. Go back and work with this section. Cut and add things
until it’s cohesive with the writing so far and consistent with the plot to
You can’t discount a single day of work, not when they’re all
worth something.
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